Jameson is a magnificent third grade student at DuJardin Elementary School. He is a very curious student who loves to share his contagious smile with everyone. Jameson comes to school each day with high expectations for himself. Jameson strives to achieve in all areas and shows determination and resilience when faced with challenges. We have observed Jameson get out of his comfort zone and push himself to become the best version of himself. He has a nice balance of completing his work to the best of his ability and doing what he can to help his peers. Jameson never hesitates to ask questions and gives valuable input during classroom discussions. Whether it is in the classroom, at specials, or at lunch/recess, Jameson always demonstrates positive behavior. Jameson consistently follows all six pillars of character and the DuJardin expectations of being respectful, responsible, & caring. Jameson definitely is a role model and a peer that everyone wants to be around. We are so proud of all his accomplishments! Jameson knows how to #LeadLikeAJaguar!