Referendum Information » Tax Information

Tax Information

District 13 spends the least per pupil of any elementary school district in the county. Despite our limited funding, we’ve found a way to succeed without having to go to taxpayers for additional support for over 30 years. We’ve managed our funds conservatively and stretched every dollar. But if we are going to meet the state’s mandate and make the improvements our residents are requesting, we will need additional funding.
Both referendums are required in order to achieve these improvements.
  • The $29.7 million bond question funds the infrastructure work needed to add classrooms, fix our aging infrastructure, and improve learning environments—without this, we will have to use mobile classrooms for full-day kindergarten.
  • The $2 million limiting rate question funds our teachers and support staff to operate full-day kindergarten and educate students at every level—without this, we will have to increase class sizes to comply with the state’s mandate.
If successful, the referendums would bring an approximate tax impact of $694 a year for the average $370,000 homeowner in the district.
Please utilize the tax calculator below to see what the tax impact would be for your home. You need to enter your information twice – the first tab is the tax impact for the bond issue referendum and the second tab is the tax impact for the limiting rate increase.