Welcome » Superintendent's Message

Superintendent's Message

Welcome to the new District 13 website! This year, the website has undergone some changes to make it more functional for everyone in our community and that has all of us very excited. My goal is to ensure that all citizens of Bloomingdale can access this information digitally in the manner that is most convenient to them. I am proud to share that District 13 will be opening new doors into social media to communicate messages and information on multiple platforms. Please bookmark our site to allow you to frequently check for updates and current information. 

The philosophy of District 13 is to develop actively involved learners and responsible citizens in partnership with the community. The design of the website is, and will be, consistent with this philosophy and serves to provide regularly updated information to best serve the needs of our community. Should you want to share comments or suggestions regarding the school district or information you would like to see on the website, you may email me using the link on this page.

Bloomingdale School District 13 has enjoyed a tradition of providing excellence in education to citizens since 1891. The District currently serves approximately 1400 students in Pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade and their families that reside in Bloomingdale, Roselle, Medinah, and Addison in DuPage County. Upon the successful completion of the curricular program, students continue their education at Lake Park High School District 108.

I would strongly encourage you to become actively involved in your child’s educational experience and work alongside our talented staff. Research has shown that a student’s achievement in school increases when their parents are directly involved with the school. By working together through regular contact and communication, your child will continue their academic and social-emotional growth and see the value you place on acquiring a high quality education. Joining your child's school Parent-Teacher Organization is a wonderful opportunity to become more involved with the schools.

Thank you for choosing Bloomingdale to live and raise your family. It is my hope for each of you and your families to have a fantastic school year!

Dr. Jon Bartelt
Superintendent of Schools